4849 N Milwaukee Ave, Suite 504A
Chicago, Illinois 60630
877-505-5822 ext. 202

International Debt Recovery Agency

Our debt recovery agency offers premium collection services internationally. We are a highly seasoned collection agency specializing in the collection of commercial claims. Our collection staff is geared to handle all of your international bad debt receivables expeditiously and professionally. 

As a premium collection agency, our services are utilized by large and small companies alike the world over. We are prepared and ready to serve all of your international collection agency needs.

Our collection fees are contingent based and quite naturally, if we don't collect, you don't pay.  When we do collect our agency receives only a small but reasonable percentage of the money collected. We provide debt recovery services internationally regardless of where your debtor is located. 

A leader in the Collection Industry because our clients like what we provide:
  • Lower cost
  • Ease of operation
  • Worldwide service
  • Personal service on each debtor
  • Positive results while retaining customers
  • LAW FIRM pre-litigation service that is used when warranted.
  • Creative, in-house cash flow strategies, that recover more, reducing bad debt.

Our international debt recovery agents are experts in commercial debt collection. We have many years of experience and specialize in commercial collection claims only. We can represent your company internationally. Our debt recovery agency has been providing successful collection services for clients both large and small in the international marketplace for many years.

We know the importance of handling your accounts receivable quickly and efficiently in order to optimize the recovery ratio of your international debt portfolio. We believe that our debt recovery agency is your best choice to collect your international accounts receivable. We don't say that simply to boast. We back it up with hard work, expertise and best of all, results! We are confident that you will get more money in your bank faster with our debt recovery agency than with all the others you have tried. 

Our commercial debt recovery agency can collect your debts in the international marketplace, and we hope that you give us a chance to prove our mettle with your commercial receivables. After all, we specialize in the collection of commercial claims. Most debt recovery agencies collect many different types of debt and do not specialize in a certain type of debt collection. 

If you have commercial claims, you need a commercial debt recovery agency to handle your bad debt receivables. Whether you use our debt recovery services or the services of a competitor, it just makes sense that an agency that specializes in the collection of commercial receivables is going to do a better job for you than one that doesn't. Commercial collections done internationally or anywhere should be done only by highly experienced professionals, that is, if you want the job done right.   

Our experienced collection agency staff is ready to serve you on an international basis. 




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